Email marketing is one of the most efficient ways to increase conversions and revenue for both SMEs and large businesses alike. Continue reading for more information on the benefits of email marketing and the reasons why you should include email marketing in your marketing strategy.
The Benefits of Email-Marketing:
Driving Revenue:
Every day, billions of emails are sent. Exactly 306 billion, which makes emails one of the most widely used means of communication and one of the most qualified for driving revenue.
Email marketing campaigns can promote goods or services, persuade customers to purchase items after leaving them in their shopping cart, or send customers exclusive deals. One of the perks of email marketing is that you can reach each individual with a personalized message and influence them to buy anything with the click of a button.

Being in control of your contact list:
Your audience data isn’t entirely under your control when you use social media for marketing; rather, the social media platforms own this data. They could change their algorithms so that your followers are just a number and you can only reach your audience through ads, which is the case on major platforms nowadays.
So, although social media can be very beneficial for your marketing strategy, here is where email marketing has an edge over it. You own your email list and can keep on using it without being limited to a certain email marketing platform.
Your SEO can benefit from email marketing.
An unexpected but major benefit of email marketing is that it can boost SEO by guiding potential buyers to high-quality site content like blogs and news. Therefore, the website is more noticeable, it appears higher in search engine rankings, and brand recognition is enhanced.

Audience Segmentation
Not every email is well received. Although email marketing is very effective, without segmentation, it can be disregarded or even blocked. Segmenting allows you to classify your audience into different lists so that you can send emails that are relevant and meaningful to the readers.
For example, if you own a store in Khobar that will offer a 15% discount, there is no point in sending this email to your list in Riyadh if the discount isn’t applied in the Riyadh branch as well.
If you only have one service and one branch, you might not require many segments. Simply classify your contacts based on how they interact with your brand. But if you have a wide range of products, you might want to create different categories so that your contacts can receive information about relevant products.
Gaining a mobile audience.
60% of email marketing campaigns are viewed by smartphones, 29% on webmail, and only 10% on desktops. Mobile devices accounted for 49% of all online traffic in 2019. Most likely, your target audience uses smartphones more frequently than desktops.
To get the most benefit from email marketing campaigns for smartphones, make sure to optimize your campaigns to be mobile-friendly.
For instance, you could use the user’s mobile location to find out more about nearby news, events, and even the weather to send more relevant content. Additionally, you should test your mobile-friendliness on as many different devices as you can, and make sure that your text is short with a clear call to action.

The benefits of email marketing make it a must-have in your marketing strategy.
Almost any business can engage with their contact list via email marketing, which is a cost-efficient and successful marketing method. Email marketing solutions make it simple for companies to develop smart and expert automated email campaigns. Every company with a contact list should utilize email marketing as a way to gain leads and increase client loyalty.