Did you know that Google has over 200 ranking factors? It’s true: each algorithm can have a multitude of different ranking factors. So how are you supposed to figure out what will work in this ever-changing world? Start simple and try our SEO tips below:
1. Use a keyword research tool.
Keyword research is the most important aspect of successful SEO. It helps you determine which words people are using to find products like yours and how competitive those keywords are. This will help you determine how much effort it will take to rank well for a particular search term. A good keyword research tool will also provide information about search volume, competition level, and average cost-per-click (CPC).
In order for you to rank for those terms and show up higher on search engine results pages, use keywords on all of your website pages, blogs, and even social media. Look for keywords with a large search volume but a low difficulty rank while doing keyword research.

2. Content is king.
We’ve all heard that “content is king” when it comes to SEO, but what does that really mean? The answer is simple: content that is easily digestible for Google users helps your website rank higher in the search results.
Your readers shouldn’t have to work hard to find what they need. Make sure your page titles, headings, subheadings and bullet points are short and clear. You want people to be able to scan the page quickly and easily find what they’re looking for. Keep sentences short, use lists instead of paragraphs whenever possible, include relevant keywords in headlines and subheads, and don’t forget the page URL (which should match the title).
Make sure every piece of content on your site has been well-researched and written by someone who knows what they’re talking about (and who’s not just repeating something they read elsewhere). If there’s no value in it, then why would anyone read it?
3. Add more images and learn how to utilize them!
I know this one maybe unexpected as normally when thinking about SEO the mind goes to text, but images are everywhere and they’re not going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, images are now the most popular form of content on social media sites like Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram.
What this means is that you need to optimize your images for search engine optimization (SEO) if you want them to rank well in search engines like Google. But how do you do that?
Here are 4 tips for optimizing images for the web:
- Use descriptive file names.
- Use alt text.
- Add captions to your photos.
- Make sure your image is large enough.

4. Optimize pages for mobile devices.
One of the most important SEO tips out there to make sure your website shows up on mobile phones as well as traditional computers, make sure each page has a mobile version that’s optimized for that device and make sure this version is easily accessible from every page on your site (so users don’t have to go hunting for it). The same goes for tablets.
Final thoughts:
If you want your website to do well, you must invest in SEO. Even for experts, perfecting SEO is a continuous process of learning, trial, and error. Use these SEO tips to get the results you want, regardless of your level of experience.